September 30, 2013

When 24 hours are not enough

My school year is coming to an end and it´s now when I remember all the things I need to get done and I literally cry: I have projects to hand in, exams to study for, classes to prepare for my students and I feel like doing a thousand other things that I don´t have time for.

I love drawing, painting, doing crafts and sewing and I like to think about what I want to do, which materials I want to use and how am I going to do it, and that takes a lot of time. So, after thinking about all those things, I always realize that I don´t have enough time to actually do what I have been planning to do and I get frustrated.

Has this ever happened to you? How do you manage to study/work (or both) and do the things you like without feeling overwhelmed by the lack of time?

[The picture does not belong to me, credits to the owner]


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  3. Hey doll ,
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    Keep in touch,
